The Essential Checklist: 10 First Steps to Planning Your New Jersey Wedding

January 11th, 2024

Congratulations on your engagement! This is undoubtedly an exciting time in your lives as you embark on the journey of planning your dream wedding. The process may seem overwhelming, but fear not! We've compiled a comprehensive checklist of the first 10 things you should do to kickstart your New Jersey wedding planning.


1. CELEBRATE AND SHARE THE NEWS: Take a moment to revel in your engagement and celebrate with your loved ones. Share the exciting news with family and close friends; their joy and well wishes will set the tone for the journey ahead.


2. DISCUSS WEDDING VISION AND BUDGET: Have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your wedding vision and expectations. Establish a realistic budget that aligns with your vision. We might be biased but wedding photography and videography should be high on your list!


3. COMPILE A PRELIMINARY GUEST LIST: Create an initial guest list to estimate the size and scale of your wedding. This will help you determine the appropriate venue size and budget allocation.


4. SET A WEDDING DATE AND BOOK THE VENUE: Choose a tentative wedding date and research potential venues that match your vision and budget. Book your chosen venue promptly to secure your date.


5. HIRE KEY VENDORS: Select the vendors essential to your wedding, such as a photographer, caterer, and florist. Booking them early ensures you get your first-choice vendors. Most busy vendors tend to book 1-2 years in advance!


6. CREATE A WEDDING WEBSITE: A wedding website is an excellent tool to keep your guests informed and involved. Create a personalized website to share details like the date, location, registry information, and accommodations.


7. EXPLORE WEDDING THEMES AND DECOR: Dive into the exciting world of wedding themes and decor. Research different styles, color palettes, and trends that resonate with you as a couple.


8. SET UP A WEDDING PLANNING TIMELINE: Establish a wedding planning timeline to break down the to-do list into manageable chunks and set deadlines for each task.


9. BEGIN DRESS AND ATTIRE SHOPPING: Start browsing for your dream wedding attire. Explore bridal boutiques, browse online collections, and try on various styles to find the perfect dress.


10. CONSIDER HIRING A WEDDING PLANNER: If you find yourself overwhelmed or short on time, enlisting the services of a wedding planner can be a game-changer. We can recommend some we love!


Embarking on the wedding planning journey as a newly engaged couple can be both thrilling and daunting. By following these ten essential steps, you'll be well on your way to planning a memorable celebration that reflects your unique love story. Happy planning, and here's to a beautiful wedding day!
